Arms Swap

by waqas khan


not available

This site is dedicated to Buying, Selling and Trading of Firearms and related equipment. Users can sign-up, create profiles, create groups, post messages, post items for sale or trade, make connections, enjoy the forums, and much more. As many people know, Facebook has recently been shutting down gun sale and trading groups and strictly forbids such activity on their pages. The stance that Facebook has taken on this, prompted the creation of this site.The concept of this site is that it will work like your FB Groups, you invite members, approve member requests and manage the content of the groups you create. Users can upload images, reply inline within the group or send PM’s just like you did before. Site Admin will not be involved in your group unless requested by the group owner.
Here, you can be safe from “big brother” over-reach and be assured that we won’t spy, pry or try to manage your groups activities. That is your job. This social Community is dedicated to and supportive of the firearm community and your right to freely buy, sell and trade your equipment. It is advised that you follow all of your own local and state laws when conducting sales of firearms, and always use safe trading practices.